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Technical Publications
This is a list of all Ubilab publications organized by projects:
[ Bis94 ]
Bischofberger W.R..
Computer Science Research at Ubilab, Strategy and Projects.
In Frei H.P. (editors), Proc Ubilab Conf '94 Zurich, Universitätsverlag Konstanz, 1994.
[ Dou99 ]
Doudou A., Garbinato B., Guerraoui R. and Schiper A..
Muteness Failure Detectors: Specification & Implementation.
In Proceedings of the Third European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC-3), Springer Verlag, September 1999. Get publication ( 254K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Fre93a ]
Frei H.P..
Der Zugang zu wissenschaftlicher Information.
In ARBIDO Revue, Vol. 8, No. 3, pages 84-86, Bern, 1993.
[ Fre95a ]
Frei H.P. and Piveteau J.-M..
Kryptologische Herausforderung im Internet.
In Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Nr. 147, pages 68-0, June 1995.
[ Fre95b ]
Frei H.P..
Information als Ressource für die Wissenschaft.
In Das Buch zum Jubiläum, pages 331-341, Schweiz. Landesbibliothek, Bern, 1995.
[ Fre97a ]
Frei H.P..
Die Finanzinstitute mutieren zu High-Tech-Firmen.
In INVEST, Finanz und Wirtschaft, pages 74-75, November 1997.
[ Mat96b ]
Mätzel K.-U. and Frei H.P..
Computer Science Research at Ubilab, Research Projects 1995/96.
In Mätzel K.-U., Frei H.P. (editors), Proceedings of the Ubilab Conference '96, Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, November 1996.
[ Mat98 ]
Matyas Jr. V..
Protecting the identity of doctors in drug prescription analysis.
In R.J Anderson, M.F. Smith (editors), Healthcare Informatics Journal, Vol. 4, Nos. 3 & 4, pages 205-209, Sheffield Academic Press, www.shef.ac.uk/univ/projects/hij/, December 1998.
[ Sch95b ]
Schmidt D..
Telebanking für das Anlagegeschäft.
In Publikation der Swiss Banking School Nr. 120, Paul Haupt, Bern, 1995.
[ Ans93 ]
Ansel B. and Büchel M..
Minnelli - ein Multimedialer Informationskiosk.
In SI Information, No. 38, pages 22-23, 1993. Get publication ( 10K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Ans94a ]
Ansel Suter B..
Hypermedia-Lernumgebungen: Erfahrungen im Hochschulunterricht.
In CBT Forum Interface, No. 1, pages 32-33, 1994. Get publication ( 49K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Ans94b ]
Ansel Suter B..
Der multimediale Informationskiosk MINNELLI der Schweizerischen Bankgesellschaft.
In Glowalla, U., Engelmann, E., Rossbach, G. (editors), Multimedia'94 - Grundlagen und Praxis, pages 162-169, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994. Get publication without pictures ( 18K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Ans94c ]
Ansel Suter B. and Frei H.P..
Information neuartig präsentiert.
In Schweizer Bank, 9. Jg., No. 4, pages 56-57, SHZ Fachverlag Küsnacht, April 1994.
[ Bro97 ]
Brodbeck D., Chalmers M., Lunzer A. and Cotture P..
Domesticating Bead: Adapting an Information Visualization System to a Financial Institution.
In John Dill, Nahum Gershon (editors), Proceedings of Information Visualization '97, Phoenix, AZ, October 20-21 1997, pages 73-80, 1997. Get publication ( 86K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Cha95 ]
Chalmers M..
Design Perspectives in Visualising Complex Information.
In S. Spaccapietra, R. Jain (editors), Proc 3rd IFIP Visual Databases Conference (VDB.3), pages 103-111, Chapman & Hall, 1995. Get publication ( 76K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Cha96 ]
Chalmers M..
Using Usage Information.
In Position Paper, Proc BCS HCI/IR Workshop, Glasgow University, pages 8-10, September 1996.
[ Cha96a ]
Chalmers M..
A Linear Iteration Time Layout Algorithm for Visualising High-Dimensional Data.
In Proc. IEEE Visualization 96, San Francisco, October 1996. Get publication ( 88K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Cha96b ]
Chalmers M..
Interface Design: More Craft than Science?.
In Proc. 5th Intl. Workshop on Interfaces for Database Systems, Edinburgh, UK, July 1996, 1996.
[ Cha96c ]
Chalmers M..
Pearls, Swine and Sow's Ears: Interface Research in a Multinational Bank.
In Proc. British National Conference on Databases, LNCS 1094, pages 222-229, Springer Verlag, Edinburgh, July 1996.
[ Cha96d ]
Chalmers M..
Adding Imageability Features to Information Displays.
In to appear in Proc. ACM UIST 96, Seattle, November 1996. Get publication ( 101K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Cha97 ]
Chalmers M., Rodden K. and Brodbeck D..
The order of things: activity-centred information access.
In Proc. 7th Intl. World Wide Web Conference, pages 359-368, Elsevier, Brisbane, Australia, April 1997. Get publication ( 110K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Gir98 ]
Girardin L. and Brodbeck D..
A Visual Approach for Monitoring Logs.
In Proceedings of the 12th System Administration Conference (LISA '98), pages 299-308, Boston, MA, December 1998. Get publication ( 284K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Gir99 ]
Girardin L..
An Eye on Network Intruder-Administrator Shootouts.
In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on
Intrusion Detection and Network
Monitoring (ID '99), Santa Clara, CA, April 1999. Get publication ( 186K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Ste94a ]
Steiger P..
Die Akzeptanzprüfung bei Multimedia-Anwendungen.
In Silberer G. (editors), Marketing mit Multimedia, pages 269-308, Schäffer/Poeschel, Stuttgart, 1995. Get whole publication without pictures ( 115K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Ste94b ]
Steiger P. and Ansel Suter B..
MINNELLI - Experiences with an Interactive Information Kiosk for Casual Users.
In Bischofberger W.R., Frei H.P. (editors), Computer Science Research at UBILAB, Strategy and Projects; Proceedings of the UBILAB '94 Conference, Zurich, pages 124-133, Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, September 1994. Get publication ( 124K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Ste94c ]
Steiger P. and Ansel Suter B..
Minnelli Schlussbericht.
In UBILAB Technical Report 94.10.1, 1994.
Information Systems
[ Bar97 ]
Barja M.L..
A Comparative Evaluation of OODBMSs.
In Ubilab Technical Report, Zurich, July 1997.
[ Bar98 ]
Barja M.L., Bratvold T.A., Myllymäki J. and Sonnenberger G..
Informia: a Mediator for Integrated Access to Heterogeneous Information Sources.
In Gardarin, French, Pissinou, Makki, Bouganim (editors), Proceedings of the Conference on Information and Knowledge Management CIKM'98, Washington DC, USA, November 3-7, 1998, pages 234-241, ACM Press, 1998.
[ Bod93 ]
Bodmer Ch., Kotz Dittrich A., Räber A. and Schmidt D..
DB-X-Ray: Analyse relationaler Datenbanken in der SBG.
In UBILAB Report 93.05.1, 1993.
[ Bra96 ]
Bratvold T.A., Frei H.P. and Sonnenberger G..
Implementing a Multimedia IR Framework.
In I. Ruthven (editors), Proc of the Final Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIRO '95), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
[ Bra96a ]
Bratvold T.A., Sonnenberger G. and Frei H.P..
A Framework for Developing Information Retrieval Applications.
In Mätzel K.-U., Frei H.P. (editors), Computer Science Research at Ubilab, Research Projects 1995/96; Proceedings of the Ubilab Conference '96, Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, November 1996.
[ Cer99 ]
Cerquides J..
Applying General Bayesian Techniques to Improve TAN Induction.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - KDD99, 1999. KDD 99 Version ( 90K, PostScript ).
[ Dit95 ]
Dittrich K. and Kotz Dittrich A..
Where Object-Oriented DBMSs Should Do Better: A Critique Based on Early Experiences.
In Kim W. (editors), Modern Database Systems, pages 238-254, Addison-Wesley Publ. Comp., 1995.
[ Dre93 ]
Dreyer W..
Interoperability Issues in Time Series Management.
In Proc of the Workshop on Interoperability of Database Systems and Database Applications, pages 235-246, Fribourg, Switzerland, October 1993. Get publication ( 44K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Dre93a ]
Dreyer W., Kotz Dittrich A. and Schmidt D..
Research Perspectives for Time Series Management Systems.
In UBILAB Technical Report 93.9.1, 1993.
[ Dre94a ]
Dreyer W., Kotz Dittrich A. and Schmidt D..
Research Perspectives for Time Series Management Systems.
In ACM SIGMOD RECORD, Vol. 23, No. 1, pages 10-15, March 1994. Get publication ( 26K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Dre94b ]
Dreyer W., Kotz Dittrich A. and Schmidt D..
An Object-Oriented Data Model for a Time Series Management System.
In Proc of 7th International Working Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, pages 186-195, Charlottesville, Virginia USA, September 1994. Get publication ( 64K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Dre95 ]
Dreyer W., Kotz Dittrich A. and Schmidt D..
Using the CALANDA Time Series Management System.
In Proc of SIGMOD 1995 (May 23-25, San Jose, CA), SIGMOD Record, Vol. 24, Issue 2, pages 489-0, ACM Press, New York, June 1995. Get publication ( 92K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Dre96a ]
Dreyer W., Schmidt D., Kotz Dittrich A. and Bleichenbacher M..
Requirements and Design of Replication Services for a Time Series Management System.
In Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, pages 208-215, Stockholm, June 1996. Get publication ( 41K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Fre93 ]
Frei H.P. and Qiu Y..
Effectiveness of Weighted Searching in an Operational IR Environment.
In Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft, Band 12, pages 41-51, UVK, Universitätsverlag,, Konstanz, 1993. Get publication ( 49K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Fre95 ]
Frei H.P. and Stieger D..
The Use of Semantic Links in Hypertext Information Retrieval.
In Inform. Proc. and Management, Vol. 31, No.1, pages 1-13, 1995.
[ Fre96 ]
Frei H.P..
Information Retrieval - from Academic Research to Practical Applications.
In Proc 5th Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval, pages 37-49, Las Vegas, April 1996. Get publication ( 45K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
Frei H.P., Harman D., Schäuble P., and Wilkinson R. (editors), Proceedings of the 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Special issue of the SIGIR Forum, Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz, Germany, 1996.
[ Kot93 ]
Kotz Dittrich A..
Adding Active Functionality to an Object-Oriented Database System - a Layered Approach.
In Stucky, W., Oberweis, A. (editors), Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft, Informatik aktuell, pages 54-73, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993.
[ Qiu93 ]
Qiu Y. and Frei H.P..
Concept Based Query Expansion.
In Proc. of the 16th Int. ACM SIGIR Conf., pages 160-169, ACM Press, June 1993. Get publication ( 141K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Qiu95 ]
Qiu Y. and Frei H.P..
Improving the Retrieval Effectiveness by a Similarity Thesaurus.
In Technical Report No. 225, Dept of Computer Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland, January 1995.
[ Sch95 ]
Schmidt D., Kotz Dittrich A., Dreyer W. and Marti R..
Time Series, a Neglected Issue in Temporal Database Research?.
In Proceedings of the Int. Workshop on Temporal Databases, pages 214-232, Zurich, Switzerland, September 1995.
[ Sim95 ]
Simon E. and Kotz Dittrich A..
Promises and Realities of Active Database Systems.
In Proc VLDB 95 (Zurich, Switzerland), pages 642-653, Morgan Kaufmann Publ., San Francisco, September 1995.
[ Son95 ]
Sonnenberger G. and Frei H.P..
Design of a Reusable IR Framework.
In Proc ACM SIGIR '95, published as a special issue of SIGIR Forum, pages 49-57, ACM Press, New York, July 1995. Get publication ( 73K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Son96a ]
Sonnenberger G., Bratvold T.A. and Frei H.P..
Use and Reuse of Indexing and Retrieval Functionality in a Multimedia IR Framework.
In I. Ruthven (editors), Proc of the Final Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIRO '95), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
[ Son96b ]
Sonnenberger G..
Exploiting the Functionality of Object-Oriented Database Management Systems for Information Retrieval.
In IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 1, pages 14-23, 1996. Get publication ( 137K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Wod95 ]
Wodtke D., Kotz Dittrich A., Muth P., Sinnwell M. and Weikum G..
Mentor: Entwurf einer Workflow-Management-Umgebung basierend auf State- und Activitycharts.
In Proc. of the Conf. Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW95), pages 71-90, Dresden, March 1995. Get publication ( 109K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Wod96 ]
Wodtke D., Weissenfels J., Weikum G. and Kotz Dittrich A..
The Mentor Project: Steps Towards Enterprise-Wide Workflow Management.
In Proc of the Int IEEE Conf on Data Engineering, New Orleans, pages 556-565, 1996.
[ And99 ]
Anderson R., Crispo B., Lee J.H., Manifavas C., Matyas Jr. V. and Petitcolas F..
The Global Internet Trust Register.
In The Global Internet Trust Register, ISBN 0-262-51105-3, MIT Press, mitpress.mit.edu, March 1999.
[ Cam94 ]
Camenisch J., Piveteau J.-M. and Stadler M..
Security in Electronic Payment Systems.
In Bischofberger W.R., Frei H.P. (editors), Computer Science Research at UBILAB, Strategy and Projects; Proceedings of the UBILAB '94 Conference, Zurich, pages 148-153, Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, 1994. Get publication ( 22K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Cam94a ]
Camenisch J., Piveteau J.-M. and Stadler M..
An Efficient Electronic Payment System Protecting Privacy.
In Gollmann D. (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 875, Computer Security - ESORICS 94, LNCS 875, pages 207-215, Springer Verlag, 1994.
[ Cam94b ]
Camenisch J., Piveteau J.-M. and Stadler M..
Blind Signatures Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem.
In De Santis A. (editors), Advances in Cryptology - Proc. EUROCRYPT '94, LNCS 950, pages 428-432, Springer-Verlag, 1994.
[ Cam95 ]
Camenisch J., Piveteau J.-M. and Stadler M..
Faire anonyme Zahlungssysteme.
In Huber-Wäschle F., Schauer H., Widmayer P. (editors), Proc. GISI 95, Herausforderungen eines globalen Informationsverbundes für die Informatik, pages 254-265, Springer-Verlag, 1995.
[ Cam96a ]
Camenisch J., Piveteau J.-M. and Stadler M..
An Efficient Fair Payment System.
In Proc 3rd ACM Conf on Computer and Comm Security, pages 88-94, New Delhi, India, March 1996.
[ Cam96b ]
Camenisch J., Maurer U. and Stadler M..
Digital Payment Systems with Passive Anonymity-Revoking Trustees.
In Computer Security - ESORICS 96, volume 1146 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 33-43, Springer-Verlag, 1996. Get publication ( 151K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Cam97 ]
Camenisch J. and Stadler M..
Efficient Group Signature Schemes for Large Groups.
In Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '97, volume 1294 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 410-424, Springer-Verlag, 1997. Get publication ( 215K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Cri99 ]
Crispo B., Landrock P. and Matyas Jr. V..
Banks, Trusted Third Parties and Electronic Commerce: Posistion Paper.
In Conference on Security of Information Systems in the Financial Sector, Bratislava, Slovakia, ISBN 80-85655-11-X, pages 87-92, NMC s.r.o., Zilina, Slovakia, March 1999.
[ Mic97 ]
Michels M. and Stadler M..
Efficient Convertible Undeniable Signature Schemes.
In Proc. 4th. Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC'97), pages 231-244, Ottawa, Canada, 1997. Get publication ( 203K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Mic98c ]
Michels M. and Stadler M..
Generic constructions for secure and efficient confirmer signature schemes.
In Advances in Cryptology: Proc. Eurocrypt'98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1403, pages 406-421, Springer Verlag, Helsinki, Finland, 1998.
[ Pet98 ]
Petersen H. and Michels M..
On signature schemes with treshold verification detection malicious verifiers.
In Proc Security Protocols Workshop, LNCS 1361, pages 67-78, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1998.
[ Piv94 ]
Piveteau J.-M. and Riess H..
Eine generische Sicherheitsarchitektur für Telekommunikationsnetze.
In Bauknecht K., Teufel S. (editors), Sicherheit in Informationssystemen, pages 141-160, Verlag Fachvereine, Zürich, 1994.
[ Sta95 ]
Stadler M., Piveteau J.-M. and Camenisch J..
Fair Blind Signatures.
In Proc. EUROCRYPT '95, LNCS 921, pages 209-219, Springer-Verlag, 1995. Get publication ( 139K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Sta96 ]
Stadler M..
Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing.
In Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt '96, LNCS 1070, pages 190-199, Springer-Verlag, 1996. Get publication ( 172K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
Software Engineering
[ Bau94 ]
Bäumer D., Bischofberger W.R., Lichter H., Schneider-Hufschmidt M., Sedlmeir-Scholz V. and Züllighoven H..
Prototyping von Benutzungsoberflächen.
In UBILAB Technical Report 94.9.2., 1994.
[ Bau96 ]
Bäumer D., Bischofberger W.R., Lichter H. and Züllighoven H..
User Interface Prototyping-Concept, Tools, and Experience.
In Proc of 18th Int Conf on Software Engineering, Berlin, Germany, March 1996, pages 532-541, 1996. Get publication ( 79K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bau96a ]
Bäumer D., Bischofberger W.R., Lichter H. and Züllighoven H..
Objektorientiertes Prototyping - Konzepte, Werkzeuge und Erfahrungen.
In Procs. Softwaretechnik '96 in Softwaretechnik-Trends, Koblenz, September 12-13, 1996, Band 16, Heft 3, pages 89-96, 1996. Get publication ( 116K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bau97 ]
Bäumer D. and Riehle D..
Product Trader.
In Robert C. Martin, Dirk Riehle, Frank Buschmann (editors), Pattern Languages of Program Design 3, Chapter 3, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1997. Get publication ( 37K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bau97a ]
Bäumer D., Gryczan G., Knoll R., Lilienthal C., Riehle D. and Züllighoven H..
Framework Development for Large Systems.
In Communications of the ACM, Volume 40, Number 10 (October 1997), pages 52-59, October 1997. Get publication ( 79K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bau98 ]
Bäumer D., Riehle D., Siberski W., Lilienthal C., Megert D., Sylla K.-H. and Züllighoven H..
Values in Object Systems.
In Ubilab Technical Report, 98.10.1, UBS AG, Zürich, Switzerland, October 1998. Get publication ( 87K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bir93a ]
Birrer A., Bischofberger W.R., Gamma E., Schäffer B. and Weinand A..
Object-Oriented Software Development in a Commercial Environment: The Evolution of ET++.
In OOPSLA'92 Addendum to the Proceedings, OOPS Messenger, Vol. 4, No. 2, pages 159-161, April 1993.
[ Bir93b ]
Birrer A. and Eggenschwiler T..
Frameworks in the Financial Engineering Domain: An Experience Report.
In O. Nierstrasz (editors), Proceedings ECOOP '93 (Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 26-30), LNCS 707, pages 21-35, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993. Get publication ( 94K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bir93c ]
Birrer A. and Weinand A..
Using Object Technology in the Financial Engineering Domain.
In OOP '93 C++ World, pages 37-42, SIGS Publications, New York, 1993.
[ Bir94b ]
Birrer A. and Eggenschwiler T..
Leveraging Corporate Software Development.
In Bischofberger W.R., Frei H.P. (editors), Computer Science Research at UBILAB, Strategy and Projects; Proceedings of the UBILAB '94 Conference, Zurich, pages 12-19, Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, September 1994. Get publication ( 75K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bir95 ]
Birrer A., Bischofberger W.R. and Eggenschwiler T..
Wiederverwendung durch Framework-Technik - vom Mythos zur Realität.
In Objektspektrum, Nr. 5, pages 18-26, 1995. Get publication ( 152K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bis91 ]
Bischofberger W.R., Gamma E., Schäffer B. and Weinand A..
Object-Oriented Software Development.
In UBILAB TR 91.05, Union Bank of Switzerland, 1991.
[ Bis92a ]
Bischofberger W.R..
Sniff - A Pragmatic Approach to a C++ Programming Environment.
In Proc. USENIX C++ Conference, Portland, Oregon, August 1992, pages 67-82, 1992. Get publication ( 125K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bis92b ]
Bischofberger W.R. and Pomberger G..
Prototyping-Oriented Software Development - Concepts and Tools.
, ISBN 3-540-55448-3, Springer-Verlag, 1992.
[ Bis94a ]
Bischofberger W.R., Kofler T., Schäffer B. and Weinand A..
A Poor Man's Approach to Dynamic Invocation of C++ Member Functions.
In USENIX C++ Conference Proceedings, Cambridge, April 11-14, 1994, pages 237-246, 1994. Get publication ( 36K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bis94b ]
Bischofberger W.R., Kofler T. and Schäffer B..
Object-Oriented Programming Environments: Requirements and Approaches.
In Software - Concepts and Tools, Vol. 15, No. 2, pages 49-60, Springer Verlag, 1994. Get publication ( 126K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bis94c ]
Bischofberger W.R., Kofler T., Mätzel K.-U. and Schäffer B..
Computer Supported Cooperative Software Engineering with Beyond-Sniff.
In UBILAB Technical Report 94.9.1., 1994. Get publication ( 117K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bis95a ]
Bischofberger W.R..
Frameworkbasierte Softwareentwicklung.
In Proceedings of OOP '95, Munich, February 1995, pages 17-22, SIGS Books, 1995. Get publication ( 97K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bis95b ]
Bischofberger W.R., Kleinferchner C.F. and Mätzel K.-U..
Evolving a Programming Environment Into a Cooperative Software Engineering Environment.
In Proceedings of CONSEG '95, New Dehli, February 1995, pages 95-106, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1995. Get publication ( 163K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bis95c ]
Bischofberger W.R., Kofler T., Mätzel K.-U. and Schäffer B..
Computer Supported Cooperative Software Engineering with Beyond Sniff.
In Proc of the 7th Conf on Software Engineering Environments, Noorwijkerhout, Netherlands, April 1995, pages 135-143, 1995. Get publication ( 110K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bis96 ]
Bischofberger W.R., Guttman M. and Riehle D..
Architecture Support for Global Business Objects: Requirements and Solutions.
In Laura Vidal, Anthony Finkelstein, George Spanoudakis, Alexander L. Wolf (editors), ISAW-2 (2nd Int'l Software Architecture Workshop), Joint Proceedings of the SIGSOFT '96 Workshops, San Francisco, USA, October 1996, pages 143-146, ACM Press, 1996. Get publication ( 135K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bis96a ]
Bischofberger W.R. and Riehle D..
Global Business Objects - Requirements and Solutions.
In Mätzel K.-U., Frei H.P. (editors), Computer Science Research at Ubilab, Research Projects 1995/96; Proceedings of the Ubilab Conference '96, pages 79-98, Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, November 1996. Get publication ( 130K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bis97 ]
Bischofberger W.R. and Riehle D..
Löst CORBA wirklich alle unsere Probleme?.
In OBJEKTspektrum, 6/97 (November/Dezember 1997), pages 36-39, November 1997. Eine ältere Version dieses Papiers ist verfügbar. ( 20K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Bru96 ]
Brudermann R..
GeoTransporter--Entwurf und Implementierung eines Objekttransports für das Geo-System.
In Ubilab Technical Report, 97.3.1, Union Bank of Switzerland, Zürich, Switzerland, March 1997. Get publication ( 230K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
Buschmann F., Riehle D. (editors), Proc of the 1997 European Pattern Languages of Programming Conf, Munich, Germany: Siemens, 1997.
[ Egg92 ]
Eggenschwiler T. and Gamma E..
ET++SwapsManager: Using Object Technology in the Financial Engineering Domain.
In Proceedings OOPSLA '92, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 27, No. 10, pages 166-177, Vancouver, October 1992. Get publication ( 199K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Egg92a ]
Eggenschwiler T..
ET++SwapsManager - An Exercise in Promoting Highly Interactive Financial Software.
In UBILAB Report 92.02, 1992.
[ Gam92 ]
Gamma E..
Objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung am Beispiel von ET++.
, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992.
[ Gam93 ]
Gamma E., Helm R., Vlissides J. and Johnson R..
Design Patterns: Abstraction and Reuse of Object-Oriented Design.
In O. Nierstrasz (editors), Proceedings ECOOP '93 (Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 26-30), LNCS 707, pages 406-431, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
[ Kof93 ]
Kofler T..
Robust Iterators for ET++.
In Structured Programming, Vol. 14, No. 2, pages 62-85, 1993. Get publication ( 165K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Maf94 ]
Maffeis S., Bischofberger W.R. and Mätzel K.-U..
GTS: A Generic Multicast Transport Service.
In UBILAB Technical Report 94.6.1., 1994. Get publication ( 166K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Maf95 ]
Maffeis S., Bischofberger W.R. and Mätzel K.-U..
GTS: A Generic Multicast Transport Service to Support Disconnected Operation.
In Proc of the 2nd USENIX Symposium on Mobile and Location-Independent Computing, pages 79-89, Ann Arbor, MI, April 1995. Get publication ( 260K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Mar97 ]
Martin R., Riehle D. and Buschmann F..
Pattern Languages of Program Design 3.
, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1997.
[ Mar98 ]
Marsura P. and Riehle D..
Design and Implementation of the Java Any Framework.
In Ubilab Technical Report, 98.5.1, Union Bank of Switzerland, Zürich, Switzerland, May 1998. Get publication ( 60K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Mat96 ]
Mätzel K.-U. and Bischofberger W.R..
The Any Framework - A Pragmatic Approach to Flexibility.
In Proc of the 2nd USENIX Conf on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS), Toronto, Canada, pages 179-190, 1996. Get publication ( 64K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
[ Mat96a ]
Mätzel K.-U. and Bischofberger W.R..
Evolution of Object Systems - How to Tackle the Slippage Problem.
In Mätzel K.-U., Frei H.P. (editors), Computer Science Research at Ubilab, Research Projects 1995/96; Proceedings of the Ubilab Conference '96, pages 99-119, Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, November 1996. Get publication ( 81K, Adobe Acrobat PDF ).
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[ Rie96b ]
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[ Rie96c ]
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[ Rie96d ]
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Describing and Composing Patterns Using Role Diagrams.
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[ Rie97 ]
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[ Rie97c ]
Riehle D., Siberski W., Bäumer D., Megert D. and Züllighoven H..
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[ Rie97e ]
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Composite Design Patterns.
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[ Rie97f ]
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[ Rie97g ]
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Speech Technology
[ Bim97 ]
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[ Hor94 ]
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[ Jab98 ]
Jaboulet C., Koolwaaij J., Lindberg J., Pierrot J-B. and Bimbot F..
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[ Jam96a ]
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[ Jam97 ]
James D., Hutter H.P. and Bimbot F..
The CAVE Speaker Verification Project - Experiments on the YOHO and SESP Corpora.
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