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Values in Object Systems

Bäumer D.
Riehle D.
Siberski W.
Lilienthal C.
Megert D.
Sylla K.-H.
Züllighoven H.


Objects and values are fundamental yet complementary concepts of software system modeling and implementation. However, in the context of large object systems, modeling and implementing value types has received no sufficient attention. Our experiences show that proper understanding of value types can ease programming and improve performance of such systems significantly. In this paper, we discuss the impact of value types on object-oriented system design, implementation, and performance. We discuss several implementation techniques that let us introduce value types into systems implemented in mainstream object-oriented programming languages.

[Bau98] Bäumer D., Riehle D., Siberski W., Lilienthal C., Megert D., Sylla K.-H. and Züllighoven H.. Values in Object Systems. In Ubilab Technical Report, 98.10.1, UBS AG, Zürich, Switzerland, October 1998.

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