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User Interface Prototyping-Concept, Tools, and Experience

Bäumer D.
Bischofberger W.R.
Lichter H.
Züllighoven H.


In recent years the development of highly interactive software systems with graphical user interfaces has become increasingly common. The acceptance of such a system depends to a large degree on the quality of its user interface. Prototyping is an excellent means for generating ideas about how a user interface can be designed, and it helps to evaluate the quality of a solution at an early stage. In this paper we present the basic concepts behind user interface prototyping, a classification of tools supporting it and a case study of nine major industrial projects. Based on our analysis of these projects we present the following conclusions: Prototyping is used more consciously than in recent years. No project applied a traditional life-cycle approach, which is one of the reasons why most of them were successful. Prototypes are increasingly used as a vehicle for developing and demonstrating visions of innovative systems.

[Bau96] Bäumer D., Bischofberger W.R., Lichter H. and Züllighoven H.. User Interface Prototyping-Concept, Tools, and Experience. In Proc of 18th Int Conf on Software Engineering, Berlin, Germany, March 1996, pages 532-541, 1996.

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