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Speaker Verification in the Telephone Network : Research Activities in the CAVE project

Bimbot F.
Hutter H.P.
Jaboulet C.
Koolwaaij J.
Lindberg J.
Pierrot J.B.


This paper summarizes the main results from the Speaker Verification (SV) research pursued so far in the CAVE project. Different state-of the art SV algorithms were implemented in a common HMM framework and compared on two databases : YOHO (of fice environment speech) and SESP (telephone speech). This paper is concerned with the different design issues for LR-HMM-based SV algorithms which emerged from our investigations and which led to our current SV system, which delivers Equal Error Rates below 0.5 % on a very realistic telephone speech database.

[Bim97] Bimbot F., Hutter H.P., Jaboulet C., Koolwaaij J., Lindberg J. and Pierrot J.B.. Speaker Verification in the Telephone Network : Research Activities in the CAVE project. In Proc of 5th Int Conf on Speech Communication and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, September 1997, 2, pages 971-974, 1997.

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